Msb•Mss•Mcs•Muc Serıes Water Baths


•Different models according to user`s need 15, 30, 45 liters
•Operational temperature range: Room temperature +5 °C / 99.9 °C
•Operational temperature range for refrigerated models: 0 °C / 99.9 °C
•Programmable PID microprocessor control system
•Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) or touch liquid crystal display (LCD) for temperature and time
•Easy to use one-button control panel
•Delayed start feature
•Easy cleaning thanks to stainless steel monolithic tank structure
•Stable temperature distribution with strong insulation
•Very good liquid temperature control for stable and set temperatures
•Powerful internal circulation pump (for circulating models) for homogenous temperatures, heating / cooling external environments
•Various accessories for tube and Erlenmeyer / beaker at different capacities
•50-250 rpm agitation speed (for shaking models)
•Data control through computer via optional USB, RS 232 or Ethernet connection


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